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Current News

~September 24th, 2024~

This year at the annual salmon dinner and auction we were able to memorialize a passionate activist, devoted family man, and an unyielding force for the 23rd Legislative District

Douglass Ian Mackenzie passed on December 28th, 2023.  On September 5th, 2024 we had the honor of presenting the 1st annual Doug Mackenzie Activist of the Year Award to Doug Mackenzie, accepted by family members Sofie, Rena, and Lorna.

  ~August 31st, 2024~

Healthcare and the lack of it in our county is always a hot topic issue. This past Wednesday at our 23rd LD General Membership Meeting, Susan Young gave a presentation on Public Hospital Districts, followed by a Q&A with herself and Commissioner Rolfes. If you were unable to attend the meeting, we are making the slides available right HERE.

Thank you Susan Young and Commissioner Rolfes for a great meeting!

~August 19th, 2024~

Today kicked off the 2024 Democratic National Convention! The 23rd LD is lucky enough to have 3 of our members, including Washington's first openly transgender delegate- Leiyomi; joining 108 other democrats from around the state to ensure our voices are heard! The convention will take place today through August 22nd.
Here are our delegates:
 (and this is what happens when you let me choose the pictures)


 Ted Jones

Leiyomi Preciado  Laurie Kadet

Good luck you three, remember to get in some work but also HAVE FUN!

Message from the Chair

Chair’s Report – August 28, 2024

The primary is over and results are mixed. Our county commissioner race, position #2, is now a Republican seat as the top two candidate vote-getters are Republicans. This is what happens when there are a number of people running and they split the votes amongst themselves. It is why Public Lands Commissioner Dave Upthegrove wanted to get single endorsements so that the Democratic vote would not be fractured and allow for the Republicans to get through. It almost happened but so far the 51 votes that have him in the lead for second place is holding.

While our state delegation did well – all three are in the general election – it doesn’t mean we can take it for granted that they will win. They still need people to support and vote for them to return to Olympia in January. We want to keep our state delegation blue!

Perennial candidate Scott Henden has filed as a write-in candidate and got enough votes to be on the ballot in November. He will be running as an independent candidate, not a Republican, against incumbent Democratic commissioner Christine Rolfes. It would be nice if people would question why he is doing what he is doing as it seems duplicitous to run as an independent when he is a Republican and has run as a Republican for local office numerous times over the years.

We are now in the countdown to the general election. Thanks to Michael Achey for the countdown clock on the LD website! We now have (as of 8/25) 71 days to Election Day.

This is when we all need to step up and do all that we can to get people registered. Yes, Washington law allows voters to register up to and on Election Day. Then get them to vote. It is not just our presidential race that we need to pay attention to but all the down ballot races such as governor, lands commissioner, state senator and representatives. We want to keep our 23rd legislative delegation blue and that will only happen if we do the work to get the votes in.

There are also the various “No” campaigns where we want to stop the passage of initiatives 2109, 2117 and 2124. There is a coordinated effort by Defend WA to insure these detrimental initiatives are defeated.

We are also still in the midst of an active calendar. These events are happening that are opportunities for us to be present and let folks know about our party and candidates. Please do your part and volunteer to spend a shift at a booth the Blackberry festival or at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup. Those volunteering at the state fair will have their parking and entry fees covered. Please contact the 2nd LD to volunteer for a shift – see information at the end of this report. We need to be out and present whenever possible.

This is not the time to rely on someone else stepping up, we all need to step up. Come November 6, we cannot be having a bunch of “if only…” conversations. We must do all we can now and make November 6 a day of celebration. Our DNC convention was so uplifting – let us bring that joy and energy to our work from now until November 6!

Val, Chair - 23rd LD

Volunteers can sign up for shifts via the SignUpGenius Ap: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0948A5AD2DA2F9C61-48084598-wastate

Vendor passes will be mailed out to volunteers along with parking instructions and a map. Parking is free for vendors in the Red and Silver lots. I understand and will confirm that a shuttle will also take fairgoers to the fair if they park at the South Hill Park and Ride. Our booth is in the Showplex building-Booth 622. We will have a binder with general instructions and general talking points. We will also have information about why voters should vote no on the Initiatives. Signs and handouts for local candidates may be displayed when volunteers for a particular LPO are staffing the booth.

Please feel free to call Laura Crews, 253-677-6949, for further information.

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About Us

We need your voice.

23rd Legislative District Democrats (informally known as the '23rd LD') are your neighbors who share your concern for our country's future. America is at a crossroads, and we have an obligation to choose the right path. By working together, we can protect our families, invest in our communities, and leave a better world for our children.

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Finances should never be a barrier to political participation. If you need assistance with a membership, don't worry, we have scholarships.

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