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Current News

~July 25, 2024~

Tonight Washington State's National Delegation voted 79-17 in favor of endorsing Kamala Harris for President. 

We are witnessing history in the making. It is time for us to come together, time for us to feel the energy, time for us to bring this nomination home. Not just for the sake of our country, but for the sake our our daughters, our mothers, our sisters. For the sake of all marginalized people from all walks of life. 

It is time for us to show America what happens when we come together, stand up and shout "We will not go quietly, we will resist, we will persist!"

There will undoubtedly be many more questions in the coming days:

Who will be chosen as Kamala's running mate?

Will anyone else challenge Kamala's nomination?

Is Trump just mad because Kamala can wear a suit better than him?

All I know is there is a new energy in the air - time to ride this wave to November!

~July 2, 2024~

Project 2025: Not to alarm anyone but... YOU SHOULD ALL BE ALARMED!
What is Project 2025?
"Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of right-wing policy proposals from the Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power should a Republican Party candidate win the 2024 presidential election." - Project2025 Wikipedia

Download the actual, very real, Project 2025 report HERE.

Get out and vote. Get others to vote. We need to stop this insanity for if not for the future of America- then for the future of our children.  

~June 22, 2024~

23rd LD represents at State Convention

~June 1st, 2024~

Pictures from the 2024 annual picnic!

Thank you to everyone that came together to make this happen. And a special thank you to Ginny Bell for coordinating the entire event and Shannon Turner for getting us some of the best BBQ around!


23RD LD Annual Auction/Dinner, Kiana Lodge

Thurs., Sept. 5th

Have a vacation home or in demand service to offer?

Teach a class? Have a fun event for family or couples?

Let us know! Contact Colleen Taylor at

Message from the Chair

23rd Chair's Report – July 19, 2024

Time to VOTE! The ballots have been mailed and you should have received yours by now. If not, please contact the Auditor’s office at 360-337-7128 and press 1 (bypass recorded message). Or you can email: or go to the website:

Your ballot needs to be in the mail and postmarked by August 6 or you can put your ballot in a ballot drop box before 8 pm on August 6. Regardless of which way you get your ballot to the auditor’s office, just make sure you vote and get it in by August 6! Remember, every vote counts!!

All of our 23rd Democratic delegation have opponents in this primary. We need you to vote and keep our delegation blue. The only way we stay blue is if we vote blue. So, please do your part and vote for our Democrats!

We are also in the midst of the active summer calendar. There are events happening almost every weekend that are opportunities for us to be present and let folks know about our party and candidates. Please do your part and volunteer to spend a shift at a booth at Pride events, the Kitsap County fair, Chief Seattle Days and/or the Blackberry festival. We need to be out and present whenever possible. This is not the time to rely on someone else stepping up, we all need to step up. Come November 6, we cannot be having a bunch of “if only…” conversations. We must do all we can now and make November 6 a day of celebration.

On an entirely different note, once again there are recriminations being made that accuse people of saying things that are not true or accurate and that cast very negative pictures of people who are running for office. And, this is occurring on social media which is not a platform known for fair and balanced reporting.

I ask everyone involved in any part of this, please STOP! Truly, if you cannot find something positive or factual to say, please don’t say anything. And, I do mean facts, not suppositions. Where is it documented that someone said such and such? Don’t rely on “I heard…”

Trust me, I understand the inclination to fight against a perceived wrong but all it does is perpetuate the issue. Do your best to rise above it and let it go. STOP stirring the pot. Stop the exchange especially as it’s clear nothing is being resolved appropriately.

People are now voting. Let that process finish. We are better than this.

Val, Chair - 23rd LD

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We need your voice.

23rd Legislative District Democrats (informally known as the '23rd LD') are your neighbors who share your concern for our country's future. America is at a crossroads, and we have an obligation to choose the right path. By working together, we can protect our families, invest in our communities, and leave a better world for our children.

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