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the 23rd LD Dems

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Advocacy and Issues

Learn about our positions on specific resolutions proposed to us, the 23rd LD and State Democratic Party Platform, and current legislation that you may want to follow.

Current Washington State Legislation

Follow legislation on issues most important to you. You can also sign up to get updates on specific bills that you are interested in here:


Contact: Carollynn Zimmers

Our 23rd Legislative District Resolutions

Periodically we are approached to support various topics of importance to our community. These sometimes turn into official declarations, called Resolutions. 

Click here to read our resolutions

If you'd like to submit a resolution for consideration,
go to our Resolutions page to find out how:

Kitsap 23rd LD Democrats - Propose a Resolution 

Contact: Kathleen Canderle

The 23rd Legislative District Platform

We have developed positions on various issues, largely based on the State Democratic Platform.

Read our Platform here:

23rd Legislative District Democrats Platform

State Democratic Party Platform

Similar to the LD23 Platform, the State Democratic Party has developed a position on a plethora of issues from Tribal Sovereignty to Civil Rights. Read about them here: 

Washington State Democrats Platform

Contact our state committee members:

Kathy Canderle

About Us

We need your voice.

23rd Legislative District Democrats (informally known as the '23rd LD') are your neighbors who share your concern for our country's future. America is at a crossroads, and we have an obligation to choose the right path. By working together, we can protect our families, invest in our communities, and leave a better world for our children.

Join the Cause

We need your voice.

Finances should never be a barrier to political participation. If you need assistance with a membership, don't worry, we have scholarships.

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