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NK School Troubles

26 Apr 2023 9:46 AM | Douglass MacKenzie

In accordance with the 23rd LD goal of showing up as allies for BIPOC and LGBTQ communities, please consider attending the next NK schoolboard meeting on Thursday, April 27th at 5 PM. This is not a conflict with the Forum to Increase Lines of Communication with Marginalized Communities hosted by the 23rd LD Democrats on the same date at 7 PM. 

Why attend the schoolboard meeting, Background information:

On November 22, 2022 more than 40 members of the Latino community gathered at North Kitsap High School to voice their concerns to the school board and describe numerous specific incidents of racism and bullying directed at their children by other students and faculty.  None of the complaints have been addressed by the District.  Written and documented complaints have risen to over 90 and community concerns sent to the schoolboard are not addressed in any productive way. 

Since November 22, 2022, there have been continuing issues and inadequate response by the NK schoolboard. The Kitsap Sun published an article  

Latino parents, students say they face racism, discrimination at North Kitsap High,  on November 25, 2022, detailing these unmet concerns. The problems continue and the response from the schoolboard and superintendent has been absent, if not unlawful. The schoolboard may not be meeting the minimum standards required by law.  

On April 13, 2023 at the last NK schoolboard meeting, many parents and allies wanted to speak during the 3 minute "Citizen Comment' period but were denied on a technicality. Members of the audience, community leaders and parents, expressed their wish to speak in a low-key and non-threatening way but were told to sit down or the schoolboard would call 911. In addition, Leonard Forsman and the Suquamish tribe were treated with disrespect during that portion of the agenda set aside for the annual joint meeting. I, Carollynn Zimmers, was there and witnessed this so the above comments are from a first-hand account. You can also read  

North Kitsap School District reverses decision to cancel Native American Graduation Honoring in the Kitsap Sun.


Carollynn Zimmers

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