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Do you know your Precinct Committee Officer? Below is a list of precincts and Precinct Committee Officers. One great way to get more involved is to contact your PCO to find out how you can help.
To contact your PCO check the precinct map above to find your precinct number, then go to the page below and search for your precinct.
There are two ways to become a PCO - election by the voters in your precinct, or appointment by your local Democratic Party organization.
Democratic voters in each precinct will elect PCOs in their August Primary every two years. A candidate who runs unopposed will be automatically elected; contested elections will appear on the primary ballot. PCOs elected in August will take office on December 1st of that year. Terms run from December 1 to November 30 two years later.
Local Democratic Party organizations have the right to appoint PCO's to fill any seats left vacant - either because no one filed to run, or because the elected PCO has stepped down. If your precinct is vacant, the Chair of your local Democratic Party organization can appoint you to serve as an "appointed" PCO starting immediately!
If your precinct already has a PCO, the Chair of your local Party organization can appoint you as an "acting" PCO for a precinct that you do not live in. Note that Acting PCO's do not have PCO voting rights.
Let our Chairperson know if you are interested in becoming a PCO:
Val Torrens -
Add Laurie/ Cam email
What is a precinct? |
A precinct can be as small as a section of a neighborhood or as large as a historical township, but precincts usually contain 200-800 registered voters.
Your precinct is your voting neighborhood and is identified by a precinct number and name and organized by an elected or appointed official called a Precinct Committee Officer.
You can find your precinct here: Precinct Maps, or check your voter's registration card. Contact PCO Committee Chairs Laurie Kadet and Cam Keeble: | Precinct Committee Officer Precinct Committee Officers (known as 'PCOs') are the building blocks of the Democratic Party in Kitsap County and Washington State. PCOs are elected officials of the Democratic Party; they are the Democratic representative for their precinct. PCOs play an important role in electing Democrats. It’s their job to get to know their neighbors, educate undecided or swing voters, and bring their concerns back to the party leadership. They also make sure Democrats are registered to vote. Before Election Day, PCOs work to turn out voters. They are the grassroots organizing base for all Democratic Party activities. PCOs are elected for 2-year terms. New terms will begin December 1, 2024. Click here for a brochure with more information . |
PCO Event Calendar |
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