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Two Years to Make It Happen (DNC Rules Update)

30 Jul 2020 8:11 AM | Douglass MacKenzie


From: Tina Podlodowski <tina@wa-democrats.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 8:37 AM
To: wsdcc@wa-democrats.orgexec@wa-democrats.orgcvc@wa-democrats.orgCCC@wa-democrats.org
Cc: Staff <staff@wa-democrats.org>
Subject: Two years to make happen, Two years to keep and expand...let's do this...
Importance: High

Dear Democrats,

As many of you know, it took two years to make significant changes to the DNC and the Presidential nominating process thanks to the the creation of the Unity and Reform Commission, and herculean efforts at the DNC to limit the influence of unpledged delegates (aka “super delegates”) plus so many more changes…

In the subsequent two years since the passage of those changes, a group of five of us have been working tirelessly to make these changes permanent, and, once a new DNC Chair is elected in 2021, to greatly expand these efforts. Our efforts, are detailed in this article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/democratic-national-convention-superdelegate-reforms-joe-biden-bernie-sanders_n_5f20b72bc5b66a5dd6369389

I’m so proud to work with Ken, Jane, Larry and Trav and the Biden and Sanders Campaigns - and to represent the Washington State Democrats as Chair. I cannot begin to tell you how long, and how negotiated, and how many meetings and calls it took to get some very simple language to see the light of day (see below) in order to make lasting progressive change in our partyplus get agreement from a very diverse set of people and interests in our “big tent” party. 

Here’s the deal though - all of those URC Reforms WILL sunset at the close of the Democratic Convention unless the resolution we’ve authored passes at Convention Rules Committee this Thursday, July 30th.

I’m asking our four WA Rules Committee Members - Shasti Conrad, Girmay Zahilay, JulieAnne Kempf and John Frank - to please vote YES. And we are “whipping” votes across the country - in every state.

So stay tuned and track this at the Convention Rules Committee Thursday. It’s critical.

I wanted to send this today, as I know folks are disappointed that Medicare For All did not explicitly make it into the 2020 Platform. Remember - just because it’s not in the platform at this time doesn’t mean it can’t happen, or won't happen. (Or decriminalizing marijuana - I believe that should have been added and acted upon long ago too). Please stay engaged electorally NOW as we can get back the Senate and White House and have the trifecta for progress in Congress and for the Americans who desperately need us to make it so - don’t lose heart. Keep going. And remember, we are not monolithic in our thinking, or lacking in the ability to change both our actions and our party, and tear down unfair and racist institutions, laws and policies at the same time. 

Honestly, I didn’t think we could do this and make these reforms lasting and expanded and for many of you it likely feels like “insider baseball” - but it’s so critical for what we could accomplish as a Party  in 2021.  

Here’s to 6 days until our Primary, 97 days left until Nov 3rd, 500K call made by our Coordinated Campaign (thank a vol and FO!), and democrats who never give up. All of you.

And remember - take a phone shift: https://www.wa-democrats.org/organizingevents/

With gratitude,



Submitted by
DNC Vice Chair, ASDC President and State Chair, Ken Martin MN
Chair Jane Kleeb, NE
Chair Trav Robertson, Jr., SC
Chair Tina Podlodowski, WA
Larry Cohen, DNC (MD), Rules Committee member

              WHEREAS, following the 2016 election, the Democratic National Committee (“DNC”), under the leadership of Chair Tom Perez, took substantial steps to ensure a more accessible, transparent, and inclusive 2020 Democratic presidential nominating process;

              WHEREAS, these reforms, which encouraged many states to move from caucuses to more inclusive primaries, led to an unprecedented level of voter participation in presidential primary contests across the country, allowing more Democratic voters to make their voices heard and increasing voter confidence in our nominating system;

              WHEREAS, these reforms helped inspire the largest and most diverse field in our Party’s history to seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for President;
              WHEREAS, the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the DNC (“RBC”) was instrumental in adopting and implementing the reforms that made the 2020 presidential nominating process the most dynamic and successful in our Party’s history;

              WHEREAS, the Democratic Party needs to continue to build off the successes of the 2020 primary reforms in creating the rules of the 2024 primary process and Democratic National Convention;

              THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the RBC must protect and continue the work started in 2017 to make improvements to the 2024 nominating process and Democratic National Convention and build on the successes achieved this cycle.  With the purpose and the goals of continuing to further accessibility, transparency, and inclusion in our Party, the RBC shall conduct a comprehensive and structured review of the presidential nominating reforms adopted by the DNC for the 2020 primaries to evaluate where even further reforms are needed, while maintaining the advances that have been made. This review should include considerations of the successes of each of the reforms adopted in 2018 in achieving the DNC’s goals, empowering rank and file Democrats, and strengthening and unifying the Democratic Party in the lead up to the general election. In conducting this review, the RBC should take steps to ensure public and stakeholder engagement in the process, including at least one public hearing and an opportunity to submit comments. This review and accounting should be completed by March 31, 2021.

Tina Podlodowski, Chair, Washington State Democrats


For Scheduling Contact Anna Le (anna@wa-democrats.org|206-583-0664 x110

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